ISKCON Bangalore will celebrate the World Holy Name Festival from 21-22 September 2024 to commemorate Srila Prabhupada’s (Founder-Acharya of the Worldwide Hare Krishna movement) momentous voyage to America on the merchant vessel Jaladuta from 13 August to 18 September 1965 to spread the teachings of Lord Sri Krishna and the yuga-dharma of the Harinama Sankirtana-yajna to the English speaking world as ordered by his guru, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura.

Lord Krishna’s mercy extends beyond the boundaries of any religion or creed; He is the benefactor of all living beings. In this material world, everyone, irrespective of gender, nationality, or background, is subject to the inevitable miseries of birth, death, old age, and disease. Particularly in the age of Kali, these miseries are intensified by constant unrest and anxiety. However, by chanting the Holy Name of Krishna, we can experience divine solace and spiritual upliftment.

The Vedic literatures recommend experiencing Krishna’s loving reciprocation by chanting the Hare Krishna mahamantra in this age of Kali-yuga:


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare 

sincerely and attentively. 

This simple yet profound practice, done with attention and devotion, invokes the loving reciprocation of Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who appears in His Holy Name to shower mercy upon us.

You are welcome to join us in person at ISKCON Bangalore or participate online via our YouTube channel and receive the blessings of Nama Prabhu.