Vaishnava Calendar (Gourabda 539)

Mar 2025Sat 15thFestival of Jagannath Misra—-
Wed 26thDvadasi (Fasting for Ekadashi vrata)Next day after Sunrise
Apr 2025Sun 6thSri Rama NavamiFasting till Sunset
Tue 8thEkadashiNext day after Sunrise
Sat 12thTheir Lordships’ 28th Brahmotsava celebrations begin (in ISKCON Bangalore H.K.Hill) – Dhvaja Arohana—-
Sat 12thHanuman Jayanti (in ISKCON Bangalore)—-
Mon 14thBeginning of Salagrama & Tulasi Jala Dana—-
Mon 21stBrahma Ratha—-
Wed 23rdBrahmotsava celebrations end (in ISKCON Bangalore) – Dhvaja Avarohana—-
Thu 24thEkadashiNext day after Sunrise
Wed 30thAkshaya Tritiya & Chandan Yatra of Sri Srinivasa Govinda begins (in ISKCON Bangalore)—-
May 2025Thu 8thEkadashiNext day after Sunrise
Thu 8thChandan Yatra of Sri Prahlada Narasimha begins (in ISKCON Bangalore)—-
Sun 11thNarasimha Chaturdashi: Appearance of Lord NarasimhadevaFasting till dusk
Wed 14thEnd of Salagrama & Tulasi Jala Dana—-
Fri 23rdEkadashiNext day after Sunrise
Jun 2025Sat 7thMahadvadasi (Fasting for Ekadashi vrata)Next day after Sunrise
Mon 9thPanihati Chida Dahi Utsava—-
Tue 10thBrahmotsava celebrations (at ISKCON temple, in VK hill, Bangalore)—-
Wed 11thJagannatha Snana Yatra (at ISKCON temple, in VK hill, Bangalore)—-
Sun 22ndDvadasi (Fasting for Ekadashi vrata)Next day after Sunrise
Wed 25thSrila Bhaktivinoda Thakura – DisappearanceFasting till noon
Fri 27thJagannatha Ratha Yatra (at ISKCON temple, in VK hill, Bangalore)—-
Jul 2025Fri 4thSudarshana Jayanti (at ISKCON temple, in VK hill, Bangalore)—-
Sat 5thJagannatha Puri Bahuda Ratha Yatra—-
Sun 6thEkadashiNext day after Sunrise
Thu 10thFirst month of Chaturmasya begins. Fasting from Shak (green leafy vegetables) for one month—-
Sun 13thFounding Day (As per the Founding Document: CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OF ISKCON)—-
Mon 21stEkadashiNext day after Sunrise
Tue 29thGaruda Panchami (in ISKCON Bangalore)—-
Aug 2025Tue 5thEkadashi and Jhulan Yatra beginsNext day after Sunrise
Sat 9thBalarama Jayanthi: Appearance of Lord Balarama Jhulan Yatra ends Second month of Chaturmasya begins. Fasting from yogurt for one month.Fasting till noon
Wed 13thJaladuta’s Voyage of Compassion begins (as per Jaladuta Diary)—-
Fri 15thSri Krishna Janmashtami Celebrations (1st day)—-
Sat 16thSri Krishna Janmashtami Celebrations (2nd day) Appearance of Lord Sri KrishnaFasting till midnight
Sun 17thNandotsava Sri Vyasa Puja: Appearance of Srila PrabhupadaFasting till noon
Tue 19thEkadashiNext day after Sunrise
Sun 24thSrila Prabhupada’s Vyasa Puja Smaranam (in ISKCON Bangalore)—-
Sun 31stRadhashtami: Appearance of Srimati RadharaniFasting till noon
Sep 2025Wed 3rdEkadashiFasting till noon today in addition to regular Ekadashi fasting. Next day Feast after Sunrise
Thu 4thVamana Jayanthi: Appearance of Lord VamanadevaFasting observed the previous day till noon
Fri 5thSrila Bhaktivinoda Thakura – AppearanceFasting till noon
Sun 7thAcceptance of sannyasa by Srila Prabhupada (Srila Prabhupada sannyasa smriti) Third month of Chaturmasya begins. Fasting from milk for one month.—-
Wed 17thEkadashiNext day after Sunrise
Fri 19thJaladuta’s Voyage of Compassion ends (as per Jaladuta Diary)—-
Oct 2025Thu 2ndVijaya Dashami – Dasara Festival (in Mysore)—-
Fri 3rdEkadashiNext day after Sunrise
Tue 7thFourth month of Chaturmasya begins. Fasting from Urad dal for one month. KARTHIKA DEEPOTSAVA BEGINS (in ISKCON Bangalore)—-
Fri 17thEkadashiNext day after Sunrise
Wed 22ndGovardhana Puja, Go Puja—-
Sat 25thSrila Prabhupada – DisappearanceFasting till noon
Nov 2025Sun 2ndSrila Gaura Kishora Dasa Babaji – Disappearance & Ekadashi (Trisprsa Mahadvadasi)Fasting till noon today in addition to regular Ekadashi fasting. Next day Feast after Sunrise
Tue 4thChaturmasya ends.—-
Wed 5thLast day of Deepotsava (in ISKCON Bangalore)—-
Wed 12thSrila Prabhupada Diksha Diwasa—-
Sat 15thEkadashiNext day after Sunrise
Sun 23rdSrila Prabhupada Book Distribution Festival Inauguration (in ISKCON Bangalore)—-
Dec 2025Mon 1stGita Jayanti & Fasting for Ekadashi VrataNext day after Sunrise
Mon 8thSrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura – DisappearanceFasting till noon
Sat 13thKirtan Mela (in ISKCON Bangalore)—-
Sun 14thKirtan Mela (in ISKCON Bangalore)—-
Tue 16thPaksa vardhini MahadvadasiNext day after Sunrise
Tue 30thVaikuntha EkadashiNo Fasting for Ekadashi vrata
Wed 31stDvadasi (Fasting for Ekadashi vrata)Next day after Sunrise
Jan 2026Wed 14thEkadashiNext day after Sunrise
Sun 25thSri Advaita Acharya – AppearanceFasting till noon
Thu 29thEkadashiFasting till noon today in addition to regular Ekadashi fasting. Next day Feast after Sunrise
Fri 30thSri Varahadeva – AppearanceFasting observed the previous day till noon
Sat 31stNityananda Trayodashi: Appearance of Sri Nityananda PrabhuFasting till noon
Feb 2026Sun 1stSrila Prabhupada Book Distribution Festival Closing Ceremony and Prize Distribution (in ISKCON Bangalore)—-
Fri 6thSrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura – AppearanceFasting till noon
Fri 13thEkadashiNext day after Sunrise
Fri 27thEkadashiNext day after Sunrise
Mar 2026Tue 3rdSri Gaura Poornima: Appearance of Sri Chaitanya MahaprabhuFasting till Moonrise

Click here to download the Vaishnava Calendar for 2025-2026.