ISKCON Vaikuntha Hill in Vasanthapura joyfully celebrated Sri Krishna Janmashtami 2024, marking the divine appearance day of Lord Krishna, on the 25th and 26th of August.
Krishna explains in the Bhagavad-gita (9.26):
पत्रं पुष्पं फलं तोयं यो मे भक्त्या प्रयच्छति ।
तदहं भक्त्युपहृतमश्नामि प्रयतात्मन: ॥ २६ ॥
patraṁ puṣpaṁ phalaṁ toyaṁ
yo me bhaktyā prayacchati
tad ahaṁ bhakty-upahṛtam
aśnāmi prayatātmanaḥ
If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit or water, I will accept it.
The temple was adorned with vibrant garlands of fresh flowers, intricately arranged to form stunning patterns along the pillars and entrance. Colourful drapes hung gracefully from the ceilings, creating a canopy of soft hues that complemented the warm glow of traditional lamps. Delicate rangoli designs, crafted from coloured powders and flower petals, embellished the floors, while ornate torans adorned the doorways. The garbhalaya was the centrepiece, beautifully decorated with shimmering cloth, fragrant flowers, and gleaming brass lamps, creating an atmosphere of divine splendour that welcomed all who entered.
Archana Seva
The festivities began with a special Archana Seva for Sri Radha Krishnachandra, followed by a Pushpanjali Seva for Sri Rajagopala Rukmini Satyabhama. The devotees offered coconuts and flowers as part of their worship, creating a serene atmosphere of devotion.
Abhisheka Seva
In the evening of 25 and 26 Aug, the utsava vigrahas of Sri Sri Rajagopala Rukmini Satyabhama were carried in a Pallakki procession and offered an elaborate Abhisheka with pancha-gavya, pachamrita, fruit juices and herbal waters.
The Abhisheka was accompanied by the chanting of Vedic mantras and melodious kirtan of the song Nama Kirtana, composed by the great Acharya, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura. This song glorifies Krishna’s glorious nature and activities, especially His intimate pastimes with the inhabitants of Vrindavan.
Grand Arati and Pallakki Utsava
The Abhisheka was followed by an Arati, accompanied by the singing of the Sri Vraja Dhama Mahimamrita song composed by Krishna Dasa. This song glorifies Vrindavan and the various places and devotees in the holy dham connected to Lord Krishna’s pastimes.
The festivities on 25 August concluded with a Pallakki procession of Sri Sri Rajagopala Rukmini Satyabhama back to Their garbha-griha.
The festivities on 26 August concluded with a grand midnight Arati for Sri Radha Krishnachandra and Sri Rajadhiraja Govinda at Their respective garbha-grihas.
Devotees also relished honouring the sumptuous Janmashtami prasadam feast. They expressed happiness at participating in the joyous celebrations honouring Lord Krishna’s divine appearance.
Watch the entire celebrations here: