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We will visit the original Badrinath and Kedarnath, the cave where Vyomasura was hiding, and a special Setu – Bridge built not by Lord Rama, but Krishna Himself.


Kamyavana means enchanting forest. It is one of the seven forests on the western side of the river Yamuna. Lord Shiva declares that the best of all forests is Kamyaka or Kamyavana. Here Krishna killed Vyomasura, the demon who flies in the sky, who dared kidnap His cowherd friends.

Adi Badrinatha Mandir & Tapasya-kund Vraja-dhama is the source of all holy places and the original Badrinath is present here. Krishna brought Nanda Maharaja and the Vrajavasis here when they desired to go to the Himalayas for Badrinath pilgrimage. The presiding Deity here is the incarnation of Godhead Nara-Narayana.Nearby is the Tapasya-kunda, whose waters remain ice cold throughout the year. Bathing here is a great austerity or tapasya.

Adi Kedarnath

The original Kedarnatha is present in Vraja Mandal area. Here Lord Shiva and Gauri-devi reside inside a cave on the top of a scenic mountain. At the foot of this mountain is the sacred pond Gauri-kunda. Radha Govinda Mandir (Vrinda Devi) Vrinda-devi is a gopi who helps in arranging the pastimes of Radha and Krishna. She incarnates as the sacred Tulasi plant. Maharaja Vajranabha installed a ten-armed Vrinda-devi Deity in Vrindavana who was later moved to Kamyavana. This Deity refused to leave Vraja-dhama

Setubandha Rameshvaram

Here Krishna built a floating stone bridge over the lake Setubandha-sarovara proving that He is non-different from Lord Rama. Phisalini Shila Phisalini Shila means sliding rock. Krishna and His friends would come to Chandrasena-parvata and enjoy playing on its natural rockslide.

Vyomasura’s Cave

Here Krishna killed the Vyomasura demon who dared kidnap His cowherd friends. Near this cave are Krishna’s handprints and the imprints of His flower garland and Kaustuba necklace. Bhojana thali Krishna, Balarama and Their cowherd friends enjoyed a great feast here. The imprints of the plates (thali) they used can be seen on the floor.