Srila Haridas Thakura
-By Smt. Rekha Prakash
A great devotee of Lord Chaitanya
and HIS dear associate,
Who was Lord Brahma’s incarnate
and a Renunciate ;
Born as a
Modest Muslim,
In His heart, the devotion
filled to the Brim;
With Sri Hari’s name in His
Heart and on His Lips,
His mind unwavering in devotion
Never to Slip;
He was beaten
Black and blue,
For chanting
Sri Hari’s Name,
But undeterred He went on,
for, pleasing His
Beloved Lord,
Was His only Aim;
In Puri, He stayed under His Lord’s
Shelter and Care,
Their association a Divine
Class Beyond Compare;
He took the Lord’s name
Till His last Breath,
To receive His Blessings
Beyond Life and death.