Category: Articles

lord krishna wanted prabhupada as vishwa guru

Lord Krishna Wanted Srila Prabhupada to Become Vishwa Guru

Explore how Lord Krishna’s divine guidance inspired Srila Prabhupada to emerge as the Vishwa Guru, spreading spiritual wisdom and...


Lord Chaitanya – The Unparalleled Social Reformer

During the period between the 15th and 17th centuries, the bhakti movement in India reached its zenith, sweeping over east and north India....


Maha Shivaratri – Blessed Night of Lord Shiva

Shiva-ratri means the night of Lord Shiva. In the Vedic month of Phalgun (February-March) there is a Maha Shivaratri. The ceremony takes...

ratha yatra iskcon

Down memory lane – ISKCON Bangalore’s Ratha Yatra

I vividly remember the first Ratha Yatra of ISKCON Bangalore temple which was held on a Friday in December 1985, after it started...

makar sankranti india

Makar Sankranti – Celebrations, Uttarayan

Makar Sankranti is one of the most auspicious festivals of India. This is also regarded as the beginning of an auspicious phase which marks...

how to celebrate vaikuntha ekadashi

How to Celebrate Sri Vaikuntha Ekadashi?

Sri Vaikuntha Ekadashi commemorates the attainment of Vaikuntha, the spiritual kingdom of Lord Vishnu, by His great devotee, Sri Nammalwar....

govardhan hill

Govardhan Hill: Lord Krishna’s Divine Umbrella in Vrindavan

On the auspicious occasion of Govardhan Puja, let us learn about Lord Krishna’s lila of lifting Govardhan Hill and the timeless lessons...

diwali spirituality

Diwali: Lighting the Path to Spiritual Enlightenment

Diwali, the Festival of Lights, celebrates rich traditions and the divine pastimes of the Supreme Lord, dispelling ignorance and spreading...

vijaya dashami

Six reasons to celebrate Vijaya Dashami

Here are some of the historical incidents related to Vijaya Dashami apart from the victory of Lord Rama over Ravana on this day. Vijaya...

understaing lord ananta

Understanding Lord Ananta

This Ananta Chaturdashi let us understand the unique position and divine characteristics of Lord Anantadeva through this blog article. In...

bhaktivinoda thakur appearance

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura: A Spiritual Pioneer of the Modern Age

On the auspicious occasion of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s appearance day, let us learn about his exemplary and inspiring life. Early...

who is radha

Who is Radha? The Glorious Position of the Best Devotee of Lord Krishna

Compiled from the teachings of Srila Prabhupada, by Patitpavan Das devi krsnamayi prokta radhika para-devatasarva-laksmimayi sarva- kantih...