Posts by: admin

killing of trinavrita demon

Demons Killed by Krishna – Part 3

Little Krishna fights valiantly and kills the demons Aristasura, Kesi and Vyomasura. Read these stories and watch videos. ARISTASURA THE...


Five lessons to be learnt from the ‘Festival of Punishment’

The Panihati Chida-dahi festival teaches the qualities that we should develop to attain the shelter of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu....

The Supreme Lord and His Incarnations

Read this article on the various types of incarnations of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna as well as Their purpose and pastimes. advaitam...

Who am i

The course of ‘Joys, Sorrows and Self-Discovery’

Who are we? Why are we here in this material world? Is the aim of life just to work hard and earn money? Find the answers here. All of us,...


Conserve tiger. Protect stray dogs. What about cows?

To conserve tigers and protect stray dogs is necessary. Then why is it not equally important to protect and worship cows? As someone...

cow bull

Cow is our Mother. Bull is our Father.

We take the importance of cow and bull in our life for granted. It is our duty to protect animals – especially cows and bulls. Recently...

mpp vayasa puja offering tn

Vyasa Puja Offering by His Grace Madhu Pandit Dasa

His Grace Madhu Pandit Dasa, President, ISKCON Bangalore offers his Vyasa Puja homage on Srila...

Janmashtami Quiz

Participate in Janmashtami Contest and win Exciting Prizes:

srila raghunath dasa goswami

Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami

Here is a brief account on the life of Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami who was one of the intimate disciples of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu....

Lord Nitai

Lord Nityananda

This article gives you interesting details about Lord Nityananda, His appearance, bodily features, His love of Godhead, and so on. Who is...

wonderful pastimes of lord balarama

Pilgrimage tour of Lord Balarama

Find out about the holy places visited by Lord Balarama during His pilgrimage tour covering different parts of the country. Lord Balarama...

lord vishnu

Developing transcendental thoughts

Lack of transcendental thoughts causes spiritual downfall. The remedy is to daily connect with God through lecture, japa, etc. Lecture by...